AIBOR is a new way to understand how your people are feeling.

No more waiting for an annual survey.

No more not knowing how your people really feel.

No more feedback through a manager filter.

Just know more.

Reduce churn.

Increase wellbeing.

See change.

Know more with AIBOR.

Why we created AIBOR.

We created AIBOR because we’ve seen the damage that can be done by a poor culture. We’ve seen how an annual survey just doesn’t cut it, and how layers of management create pockets of invisibility.

We’ve see it as employees, and as senior directors. We’ve seen the churn it creates. And we’ve seen the damage it does.

We decided it was time to create a new way of doing things. A way that was always on’ A way that is easy to use. A way that enables honesty. A way that tells you what is happening right now. A way employers can remove their ‘blind spots’ and understand - and predict - churn, and really see staff sentiment.

For employees, a safe, anonymous way of reporting how you feel, know that it is being seen, and that you get rewarded for your feedback.